
Impostor Syndrome: What it is and How Does it Limitates You

Impostor Syndrome There may come a time in your life when you feel you do not deserve what you have just received. A constant nagging feeling keeps creeping in...

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Mindfulness: A Pathway to Self-Awareness and Inner Peace

Mindfulness In contemporary times, keeping your mind free from distractions and stress is tough. This can make it challenging to find peace and calm within...

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What are the Results of Coaching?

Crazy is doing the same thing again and again, waiting to get different. ALBERT EINSTEIN Coaching is the method of training, instructing, or counseling a...

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What is an Action Plan in Coaching?

You are what you do, not what you say you will do. C.G. Jung Whether it is putting together a presentation, writing a speech, or going to the grocery store,...

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Self-Knowledge: The Key to Life

The greatest wisdom that exists is to know oneself.If we know ourselves, we will reach a qualitatively higher level of wisdom. Galileo Galilei Self-knowledge...

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What is success?

Success is what we dream of in our lives. Knowing the tools will help us achieve it, while many people will continue to dream of it. Achieving success means,...

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