The greatest wisdom that exists is to know oneself.
If we know ourselves, we will reach a qualitatively higher level of wisdom.

Galileo Galilei

Self-knowledge is a wide term, one that implies you are aware of your feelings, motivations, abilities, and attributes. Self-knowledge is not a static form of information, but more dynamic and keeps changing as you grow. As time passes by you learn more about yourself, as you change different aspects and keep some close to your heart.

Importance of Self Knowledge

Self-knowledge is essential as it helps guide you, as it helps you stay realistic, and even helps you function daily. When people do not see themselves accurately, they are more likely to go down the wrong path.

Learning Self Knowledge, Self-Concept, & Self Identity

Our identity is a part of us that we call when interacting with others. The identity you call is the one that matches the situation you are dealing with or the person you are speaking to. For instance, you have a different identity when you are at work, and a completely different one when you are with your family or friends. Keeping in mind that every identity does not have the same status or meaning, we organize them in our minds based on a hierarchy system.

The easiest way to define self-concept, calling it the image we create about ourselves; it can be completely off reality or right on point. Regardless, it is the image we see ourselves in – often categorized as intellectual, physical, social, temperamental, moral, and/or educational.

Self-concept is completely based on what we believe about ourselves and is often based on internal and external evidence. Due to this, when you lack stability, consistency, and clarity, you are often faced with chronic self-analysis, low self-esteem, low agreeableness, high neuroticism, and even low conscientiousness.

Self-Knowledge Guide

Self-knowledge is crucial to ensure you are building the best life, one that protects your body and mind. This is why it is crucial to take a step back from the image you have created and really ask yourself what your strengths are. You can do this a few different ways, but remember it can be a time-consuming process – one that will reward you the most in years to come.

An easy way to learn about yourself is to write a positive introduction about yourself, a short story that illustrates your best qualities. You can even ask a trusted family member, friend, colleague, or supervisor – as others often see us in a different light than we see ourselves.

Once you have your strengths listed, it’s time to explore your life goals. Start by marking down the life event that became your turning point. Once you have clarity, find out what is most important to you in life. What do you wish to achieve, and how do you plan on achieving them? Once you have a plan in place, you can easily take the next step.

While working on your life goals, it’s best to check in with yourself, take time, and sit with yourself. Explore things that interest you and take on things that make you happy. Additionally, it is crucial that you practice self-compassion, be kind to yourself and celebrate all your accomplishments. All these steps can help you refine your self-knowledge and help create a life that makes you feel content.

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